A Mild Live Wanted 2010

As quoted from various sources, during a press conference held on January 21, 2010 and the fx Lifestyle X'enter Jakarta, this year's (2010) Wanted to Session held in 15 major cities in Indonesia, starting January 23 to April 11, 2010. In this event, the committee has begun accepting live demo CDs applicants. Selection Wanted divided into several stages Submission of CDs, CD Selection and Area Selection, which will be a total of 20 finalists who are ready to band drove to Camp Wanted stage. In Wanted Camp, a five-day 20 finalist bands will receive the theory and practice surrounding the music industry. Here, where the band will be seen that the maximum musicality and solid power band.
Get ready to become famous .... visit website for registration and complete information about A Mild Live Wanted 2010 here
Those who want to follow the event A Mild Wanted 2010, download the registration form here (file in PDF File).
kapan diadain lagi ditahun 2010
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Info: Penyerahan CD live demo di Drop Box Zone di 20 area dan PO BOX WANTED JKT 10000
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