Wali is a band from Indonesia that was formed in Jakarta around October, 1999. name of this band is a little unique. because as the band brings pop music, this band is not a band that seemed to portray religious songs that match the name, Wali. this band is familiar with the hit song are "Dik" which is the first single in Wali's album, "Orang Bilang". Wali's confess as the band that carries the flow of music "Local Pop Creative". but...
Read More...if you see in almost all of this in the album, Wali can be saying as band entrant flow bands are the trends in the music industry indonesia at this time, with the feel of the
Pop Melayu, such as
Kangen Band, or
Radja. music sound on this album very easy listening and thick feel of Malay nuance. Not only the music that seemed to light, in terms of lyrics of Wali serve any words that are very common. Seemed to have no figure of speech or poetic effect in all the songs lyrics. Overall denotative appear.
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