Sheila on 7 is the name of a popular Indonesia's band that come from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Their band who have make a new record selling album in around 2000 with album selling up to 2 million copies. Sheila On 7 became popular as an indonesian top band after released the frst album with hits song titled "Kita". The self-titled debut was enough of a hit to warrant subsequent albums seeing release in neighboring countries, bringing the music of Sheila on 7 to nations like Malaysia and Singapore.
Erros Candra is brain of the band, He's created almost all of Sheila on 7 song's. and now Eross Candra is currently working on his solo/side-project band called Jagostu Band, the upcoming album is scheduled to be released on June 2007 via Sony BMG Indonesia.
mantb nunggu lagu terbaru nya nihh yang abis haribersamanya apa ya???
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